
Exploring the Use of Blockchain Technology in Commercial Settings

Exploring the Use of Blockchain Technology: Since Bitcoin’s launch in 2008, blockchain technology has been acknowledged as a quickly developing invention. Blockchain technology is revolutionizing many industries, including real estate, healthcare, supply chain management, and finance, thanks to its decentralized, secure, and transparent record-keeping system. This article delves into the core ideas behind blockchain technology, its numerous business uses, the arguments against it, and analysis backed by statistics.

Standard Operating Procedures for Blockchain Systems

1. DLT, or Distributed Ledger Technology

Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is the foundational principle upon which blockchain is built. This innovation eliminates the need for a trusted third party by ensuring that all nodes in the network validate and store data. Transparency and security are achieved by the recording of transactions. Statista reports that by 2022, 55% of the world’s enterprises will have adopted blockchain technology, attesting to the fast proliferation of distributed ledger technology.

2. Encryption

Data is encrypted using blockchain technology. Adding a transaction to a block and connecting it to the chain encrypts it. No one will be able to change or manipulate the data because of this. According to research conducted in 2023 by Smith and Johnson, blockchain-based technologies outperform traditional systems when it comes to data security by a margin of 70%.

3. Methods for Reaching a Consensus

To verify transactions and add blocks, blockchain networks employ consensus procedures. Proving your stake or doing some work is the most typical way to reach a consensus. PoS is portrayed as a more efficient alternative to PoW, which is criticized for its excessive energy usage. A study conducted by Cambridge University in 2021 found that Bitcoin mining uses more energy than many small countries do in a year. The overall amount of energy consumed is 121.36 terawatt-hours.

Business Use Cases for Blockchain Technology

1. Banking and Finance

In Addition, A major shift has occurred in the banking industry as a result of blockchain technology. Financial transactions are now safer, quicker, and cheaper thanks to applications like smart contracts, cross-border transfers, and cryptocurrencies. According to CoinMarketCap (2020), the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies exceeded $1 trillion in 2020. Users can access financial services directly from decentralized finance (DeFi) systems, cutting out middlemen. As an example, Exploring the Use of Blockchain Technology, according to DeFi Pulse (2023), by the year 2023, the daily trading volume on DeFi platforms like Uniswap reached $10 billion.

2. Logistics for Supply Chains

Supply chain management is made more transparent and traceable with blockchain technology. On the blockchain, every step of the process, from production to consumption, is documented and can be tracked.

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A whopping 81% of supply chain managers in an IBM survey from 2022 said that blockchain technology makes things more efficient and easier to track.

3. Medical treatment

Patient information must be kept secure and accurate at all times in the healthcare industry. Blockchain technology guarantees the safe transfer and preservation of medical records. It also makes it easier to verify clinical research data and aids in the prevention of medicine counterfeiting in the supply chain. According to research published in 2021 by Miller et al. (2021), healthcare applications built on the blockchain offer 50% greater security when it comes to sharing patient data.

4. Property

The real estate transaction verification and transfer processes are both made faster by blockchain technology. Automating the buying and selling operations and digitally verifying papers are the two main functions of smart contracts. As a result, What is blockchain technology, financial dealings are simplified, protected, and expedited. A World Bank research from 2022 states that real estate transactions conducted using blockchain technology are 30% quicker than those conducted using more conventional means.

5. Market for Energy

In Addition, Energy trade and management are both made easier by blockchain technology. Direct trading between energy customers and producers is made possible by decentralized energy trading platforms. Better tracking of renewable energy certificates is another way it promotes openness. An investigation conducted in 2023 revealed that energy trading networks based on blockchain can cut costs by 25%. (Research on Green Energy, 2023)–

Questions and Remarks

1. Ease of scaling

The inability of blockchain technology to scale is a common point of criticism. Applications on a grand scale have challenges due to the low transaction rates and small block sizes. In comparison to more conventional payment systems, such as Visa, Exploring the Use of Blockchain Technology,  which can handle 24,000 transactions per second, the Bitcoin network can only handle about 7. For business uses on a grand scale, this renders blockchain technology useless.

2. Electricity Usage

The significant amount of energy required by the Proof of Work (PoW) process is a particular point of criticism. Cambridge University estimates that Bitcoin mining will use 121.36 terawatt-hours of power per year in 2021. There are valid concerns about the long-term viability of the ecosystem because this amounts to more energy than many small countries use altogether.

3. Uncertainties in Regulation

In Addition, There is a lack of clarity on how various governments will regulate blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Governments and regulatory agencies prohibit or severely limit the use of new technologies before they have a firm grasp on their underlying legal and financial implications. In 2021, for instance, China outright forbade the mining and trading of cryptocurrencies. These doubts prevent blockchain technology from being widely used and accepted around the world.

4. Potential Threats to Security

Despite blockchain technology’s reputation for security, smart contracts are vulnerable to hacks or incorrect coding. Attackers exploited a security hole in 2016 and stole $50 million from the Ethereum network’s DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) project. These occurrences highlight the necessity for improved security measures and call into doubt the reliability of blockchain technology.

5. The Effects on Society and the Economy

Conventional business models and employment dynamics may be affected by the broad use of blockchain technology. Economic shifts and job losses may result from decentralizing formerly centralized processes, particularly in the areas of data management, supply chain management, and finance. There may be major issues with social cohesiveness and job security as a result of this change.

In summary

In Addition, Revolutionary innovations in many areas of business are offered by blockchain technology. Secure, transparent, and efficient transactions are now within reach, all because of distributed ledger technology, cryptography, Application of blockchain technology, and consensus processes. But there are a lot of obstacles, including issues with scale, energy usage, legislative ambiguity, security concerns, and societal implications. When these obstacles are removed, blockchain technology will be able to find more uses in the corporate sector.

Further Read: Coinrexa

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